Thursday, March 24, 2011

Canada and China

              STATS    MAJOR CITIES POPULATIONCANADA 1{Toronto 5.377 million;}                                            2 {Montreal 3.75 million;}                3 {Vancouver 2.197 million}                 4 {OTTAWA 1.17 million;}                5{Calgary 1.16...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Faces of the World

Part A.) Globalization :To expand to other parts of the world.                                                                                                                 Photo of Globalization Part 2) They pile lots of photos and take out the individual features and put together all together the features they have in common.(Using computer graphics)             ...

Black & White Section 6 Lit-Circle Question

Hello Claire, Amy, Noah, Sam, Jenna, & Amanda !  This is the section 6 Lit circle question for Black And White.      My question is...                              Question 6 In  page 223-224 Tom and Steve Discuss the possibility of Steve not going out with a blonde, but in fact going out with a black girl. Do you think that Steve really does want to try to date other girls (Non-blonds) or do you think that Steve is just being himself being the ladies-man? Explain.   &nb...

Monday, March 7, 2011

History Fair 4-3-2-1

4   - I learned that the Chinese were a big threat to the other workers( Because they were so disciplined and organized.     -I learned that the Chinese set the record for most track put down in one day( 10 miles).     -I learned that there was a huge vote weather to kick the Chinese out, because they were taking a lot of jobs from white people.    -There were always mysterious fires burning down a Chinese man's house. 3 -I was proud of my poster , when the train went through and around it.    -I was proud of how my partner and i presented our speech i think we did very good.(Your mother said that she really liked our project and now she wants to read The last spike).    - I memorized my speach, and when i forgot a...

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