Monday, November 15, 2010

Remembrance Day Letter

Dear Mother, Last week i was promoted to Sergeant Major . I was also stationed in Germany...comes with the job. I need a hair cut its growing out of control but with my shifts i don't think i will be getting one in the next month or so. Enough about me how's Timmy and chancy doing? I hear Timmy made the eighth grade soccer team and Chancy made the seventh grade football team that's good for him. Anyways i have to go boss man is calling me give everyone my regards.Love you mom. -...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Golden Rule

Three: -I like how me and Kyle like the same type of music.            -When  read his blog i was happy/surprised to see that he knows his history of the trumpet.           -From what I've read Kyle's a sporty person . Two: -I think he should put up stuff like what he likes to read, his books and t.v shows and why their his favourites.          -Aside from fun and games i think he should put up a post about something hes really interested in. One: -Can you explain the golden rule a little mo...

Mystery History Maker.

Tomorrow my class and i are going to the museum civilization to learn more about our new history topic...Confederation for more info click HERE and to play a history game click HERE.1.) I had no clue who my 'face to face' person was until i read a little about him. 2.) Me and Pierre Elliott Trudeau have only one thing in common...sports.He was a very active person, and into sports like me. 3.)Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada. He has high school ,elementary school and an  airport all named after him. He also has a portrait of himself on a stam...

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